The Nonprofit Website Builder With GivingPress 2.0

Organic Themes has always been passionate about helping nonprofit organizations create their website. We regularly volunteer our time and expertise, and have donated our products to nonprofits for years. Creating WordPress themes is great, but we really want to do more for the world. Launching GivingPress early last year was a natural evolution for our company.

GivingPress 2.0 introduces a new website builder for nonprofits. In addition, we are now offering the GivingPress Pro theme individually, and providing managed WordPress hosting for nonprofits. As we continue to grow, we will offer more child themes and additional products for organizations.

How Did We Create A Nonprofit Website Builder?

We built the nonprofit website builder using WordPress, our powerful GivingPress Pro theme, and a suite of custom developed plugins.

WordPress is easy for most of our theme customers. However, many nonprofits are coming to GivingPress with no prior knowledge of WordPress. The new users found the default WordPress platform to be overwhelming. So with our theme and suite of plugins, we transformed WordPress into a much, much easier experience. We removed the bloat. Take a look:

The default WP admin — yuck!
The GivingPress admin — nice!

In addition to customizing the admin experience, we extended the native WordPress customizer to achieve the nonprofit website builder. We accomplished this using the amazing Customize Posts plugin by Weston Ruter, and some custom plugins and widgets we have personally developed.

We love what Weston is doing with the WordPress customizer, and we believe it’s the future of the platform. Organic Themes has always found it better to work with the direction of WordPress rather than against it. So instead of creating a clunky, proprietary, unsupported website builder — we extended the WordPress customizer. As a result, the GivingPress nonprofit website builder will never become outdated.

A New Theme For Nonprofits

The GivingPress Pro 2.0 theme is a new WordPress theme for nonprofits. The theme integrates seamlessly with the popular Give donation plugin, WooCommerce and Gravity Forms. GivingPress Pro is packed with features. It includes several page templates, custom post types for team members and projects, and custom widgets for displaying various sections throughout your site. The user experience of GivingPress Pro is seamless and simple for anybody to use. Anita Mueller of the Friends of Katahdin Woods & Waters organization had this to say about the theme:

“GivingPress Pro is a really great theme! I cannot tell you how many themes I have abandoned because they were just too complicated.”

We have designed the theme to be highly customizable. Changing the logo, colors, fonts, layout and more can all be accomplished with ease in the WordPress customizer. In addition, the code is impeccable with commenting throughout in case you wish to make more extensive changes. Take a look at the variety of demos we have created using the theme.

Overall, we are extremely excited to provide the GivingPress nonprofit website builder and GivingPress Pro theme to organizations. Our goal is to create an affordable and professional website solution specific to the needs of nonprofits. Check out GivingPress today, and use it to supercharge a cause that you’re passionate about!

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David Morgan is the co-founder, designer, and developer of Organic Themes. He founded the company with Jeff Milone in 2009 on the Hawaiian island of Maui. David enjoys surfing, swimming, golfing and creating new web applications and products. Personal Site: