Testimonials Section is unavailable

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  • #463801
    Dennis Tsang

    Hi Team, when I tried to add in the testimonial block, it shows “loading” (Please refer to the attachment), I have already installed the Organic Blocks Bundle, could you please advise what I should do? many thanks!

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    David Morgan

    Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for reaching out and using the plugin! It appears you are adding a Testimonials pattern. When using a pattern to display the Testimonials Block, there are already preset options for displaying categories or the testimonials post type. However, if those posts don’t exist in your content, nothing will be displayed. In which case you will need to set the options for the block by selecting the “pencil” icon in the block controls. This will allow you to choose from categories that exist on your site, and then the block should display your selected posts/testimonials.

    Let us know if you need further guidance.


    Dennis Tsang

    Hi David,

    Thanks for getting back to me!I am looking for further guidance.

    I’ve followed your guide (please see the attachment “Pic 1”), but the block didn’t show the testimonials.

    Here is the setup in the post (please see “Pic 2”).

    And I selected “Testimonials’ as the category (please see “Pic 3”).

    Could you please advise what I should do? Can we jump to Google meet so I will be able to share my screen with you?

    Many thanks!

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    David Morgan

    Hi Dennis,

    Could you please provide your login information within a private reply, and direct me to the page where the block is added? I’ll login and take a closer look at this issue.


    Dennis Tsang
    This reply has been marked as private.
    David Morgan

    Hi Dennis,

    A login link was sent to your email when attempting to login. I didn’t realize your site was hosted on WordPress.com.

    Upon further inspection of your screenshots, it appears you may be adding testimonials using the Testimonials custom post type. Is this the case? If so, you will need to select the appropriate post type from the block options in order for your testimonials to display.


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