Site tagline keeps changing

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  • #464082
    James Moussa

    I’m having issues with my site tagline in WordPress using the STAX theme. Every time I manually change it via settings -> general or via appearance -> customise it keep reverting back to “A WordPress Full-Site Editor Theme” after a day or two. I’ve tried to raise this issue with WordPress support who then ask me to reach out to Organic Themes about this issue. Could somebody please help me change the tagline permanently? Thanks!

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    Dmitry Tsvetkov

    Have the same problem.

    Please help us

    Dmitry Tsvetkov

    Hi James!

    Try to do following steps:

    1. Change Tag to correct.
    2. Deactivate Organics plugins
    3. Clear cash, cookies.
    4. Reboot PC.
    5. Log in to WP and activate Organics plugins back.

    It’s help me for now. I can add post or page without changing Title tag.

    James Moussa

    Thanks for the suggestion Dmitry, I’ve tried to follow these steps twice now and haven’t had any luck. Can anybody from Organic Themes assist please?

    David Morgan

    Hey Guys,

    I may have located the source of this issue. I believe it may be related to the Header Block in the Organic Blocks plugin. I updated the plugin, removing any updates the plugin makes to the site title and tagline.

    Please try updating STAX and Organic Blocks, and let me know if it resolves the issue. If you’re hosted on, the theme and plugin will automatically update within the next 48 hours.


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