Issue with Site tagline

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  • #463887
    Dmitry Tsvetkov

    Have a problem with Site tagline.
    I change Site tagline through the settings menu (setting- general), but after a while it gets me back to the original Tag line.

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    Dmitry Tsvetkov

    for example

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    David Morgan

    Hi Dmitry,

    Thanks for reaching out and using STAX!

    Is your website hosted on

    The theme doesn’t have any specific functionality that should alter the tagline. This issue is most likely the result of a plugin setting. If your site is hosted on, their support team might be able to provide more insight.


    James Moussa

    Hi David, I’m having the same issue. I contacted WordPress support and they told me to get in touch with organic themes. This is the reply I received

    “Hi there! I see you’re using the Organic STAX theme, which is a third-party theme. I dug around our support resources and the only clue I can find is a couple of older reports of the same thing happening on other users sites with the same theme.

    Although we are not seeing any updates recorded for your theme, it’s possible that these are either not getting logged or there’s some internal function to the theme that is causing this update. To determine this, I recommend reaching out to the theme developers here:

    We were not able to find anything in their forums but if you reach out to their support directly, they may be able to provide more guidance.”

    Any idea what I can do next? Changing the tagline every couple of days is painful.

    Dmitry Tsvetkov

    Hi David, Hi James.

    Get follow answer from WP support.

    “May 20, 2024, 15:24 UTC

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I was able to update your site tagline to “Вентиялция, отопление и кондиционирование в частном доме”.

    The changes have been saved without any problems and are live:
    Markup 2024-05-20 at 17.14.43.png
    Markup 2024-05-20 at 17.15.28.png

    I don’t see any plugins or settings that would automatically change the site tagline.

    If you notice the tagline being changed again on your site, please get back to us. We will further investigate the issue.

    Thanks in advance!”

    Dmitry Tsvetkov

    In few hours tagline switch to “A WordPress Full-Site Editor Theme”. I wrote to support about this and received the following response:

    “May 21, 2024, 02:01 UTC

    Hi Dmitry,

    I see that your site tagline has reverted back to the theme’s default tagline which is a concern.

    I also noticed that you’ve asked for help within Organic Themes support forum at:

    Issue with Site tagline

    In the meantime, when you are waiting for a reply, I have re-added your site tagline within Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. Please do let us know what their solution is so we can help you resolve this issue.

    If there’s anything else we can help you with, please let us know.

    Thank you 😊”

    Dmitry Tsvetkov

    Any ideas whats wrong?

    David Morgan

    Hi Dmitry,

    Very interesting, and a very odd issue. Based on your screenshot of the code, I don’t see any indication that the theme is having an effect on the tagline. However, are you using any custom blocks for the header?

    Also, can you provide your website login information in a private reply so we can take a closer look?


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