Blog template

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  • #463582
    Berit Sund

    Hope you’re well! The below Blog Template with sticky sidebar (w/ search and categories) would be perfect for my blog, but I don’t have the template.
    How can I create / get this template:

    My blog page looks like this, and is slow and not very user friendly:

    Thank you for advice!
    Warm regards

    David Morgan

    Hi Berit,

    What version of the theme do you have active?

    This may require resetting the “Index” page template within the Appearance > Editor.


    Berit Sund

    Hi David
    I’m using Version: Thanks for support!
    Warm regards, Berit

    Berit Sund

    Hi Again
    I tested the blog template above ( ) on PageSpeed Insights, and it ‘failed’ (got message: Core Web Vitals Assessment: Failed). This is also the case for my Blog using the STAX theme …
    Would you have any advice as to boosting site speed?
    Thanks! Berit

    Berit Sund

    And Hi again
    We’re trying to update our website pages, but keep getting the error message ‘Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response’.
    We’ve not added any new plugins since this error message started.
    Any clues as to how we can fix this?
    Warm regards

    David Morgan

    Hi Berit,

    Does the update message occur when trying to update the theme, or a particular plugin? Are your license keys applied to the theme and Organic Blocks plugin separately?

    There may be restrictions on your server for third party updates. As a result, you may need to perform a manual update by downloading the latest version from your account, and replacing the version on your site.

    Regarding the page speed, I’m less familiar with PageSpeed Insights for testing. However, I did use GTMetrix, which I have used in the past, and the page speed is ranked as an “A”. See attached screenshot.

    Increasing page speed is not my specialty, but it usually involves decreasing the size of images and scripts on the page. The blog page for STAX, and the theme in general does not load many scripts. It’s a pretty lightweight theme. So it’s most likely the content and/or plugins that may slow things down.

    I hope this helps.


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    Berit Sund

    Hi David
    Thank you so much!

    For original setup, I used a license key.

    I see I have a number of nice options wrt to Doanloads. Which one would you recommend I try, for upgrading my blog to a more userfriendly format (e.g. including catergories / easier navigation of topics)?

    Alternatively, how do I install this one:

    Thanks again. B

    Berit Sund

    PS, would the theme / Blog update be something I could do via the ‘One Change service’, or no?

    Warm regards, Berit

    David Morgan

    Hi Berit,

    Yes, we should be able to apply that blog style to your site using the One Change service.

    Let us know if there is anything else I can help with!


    Berit Sund

    Hello David, I ordered and paid for the One Change. It got initiated but it’s not working right for my blog and I’m not getting any responses to my emails. Please advise. Berit

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