Coronavirus Response
COVID-19 has changed the world in a matter of weeks. Organic Themes is taking the necessary precautions, and we’re here to help.
Organic Themes is a very small company of friends and family. Fortunately, we’re able to work from home and monitor each others health closely during this pandemic.
Additionally, we will be taking every precaution possible. We believe it’s better to be overly cautious under the circumstances. As a result, our team will be refraining from any WordPress meetups, conferences, or social gatherings. All meetings will take place online via Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangouts.
We want our loyal customers to know that we’re here, we’re healthy, and we continue to provide our products, services, and support during these trying times.
In recent days we’ve seen an increase in activity on our site. People working from home are motivated to put their long held ideas into action. This is inspiring at a time like this, and we want you to know we are here to support you!
Helpful Resources
The following section includes a few helpful resources regarding the coronavirus.
COVID-19 Tracking Map
The following site from the John Hopkins University is an excellent resource for tracking the global expansion of the coronavirus:

The John Hopkins COVID-19 Tracker
COVID-19 Information and Public Announcements
We’re avid fans of Sam Harris. He is a rational, logical, and moral voice in the best of times. His podcasts with experts on the coronavirus are insightful and informative. The first podcast is somewhat alarming, as it should be. The second is more hopeful. We recommend both:
Podcast #190: How Should We Respond To The Coronavirus?
Podcast #191: Early Thoughts On A Pandemic
Additionally, experts have advised that keeping the growth curve down is vital to getting through this pandemic. This article illustrates real simulations on how to keep the curve down.
In short, extensive social distancing is key. It’s recommended to “shelter in place” if at all possible. Organic Themes is adhering to these practices.
Stay Safe And Healthy
The owners and employees of Organic Themes heed the advice of health and science experts. We take our health, and the health of others seriously at all times, and particularly under these circumstances.
Should you choose to start a WordPress website with your newfound spare time, we would love to help! Please reach out to us with any questions.
More importantly, we want our friends, family, colleagues, and customers to stay safe and healthy during this time. Thank you for your continued trust in Organic Themes, and we wish you all good health.