
Setup The Featured Content Slideshow

In this tutorial we will describe the process of setting up the ‘Home’ featured content slider.


Quick Start Guide (Setting the ‘Home’ page template)
Featured Video
Featured Images

1. Once the ‘Home‘ page template has been set, navigate to Appearance > Theme Options (Appearance > Customizer in newer themes) and under the ‘Homepage‘ tab set a category for the home page slider (Note: The naming of the ‘Homepage’ tab might depend on theme, e.g. you might see ‘Home’ instead of ‘Homepage’).

2. If you see only one or two options, ‘All Categories‘ and/or ‘Uncategorized‘, it means that you have not published a post in the category you wish to show in the slider. Once you create your desired slider category (Posts > Categories), you will need to publish at least one post before it is selectable in your theme options.

3. Once the slider is setup, you can select a post number to determine the number of slides shown, as well as a transition timing within your theme’s options panel.

Note: Each slide in the slider is a post with a Featured Image or Featured Video assigned. This means that if you want ten slides, you will need to publish ten posts within your slider category.

Adding an excerpt may be necessary to display text in the slide.

Note: In our newer themes you may not see a text excerpt appear over the slider image. If you do not see text and would like to show it, edit one of your slider posts (Posts > All Posts), and to the top-right of your dashboard, on the post editor screen, you will see a tab that says ‘Screen Options‘ — click it. Once clicked, check the box beside the word ‘Excerpt‘. This will generate a new Excerpt meta box immediately beneath the main editor. The text that you enter here will be shown in your slider, along with the post title.

That’s it!

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David Morgan is the co-founder, designer, and developer of Organic Themes. He founded the company with Jeff Milone in 2009 on the Hawaiian island of Maui. David enjoys surfing, swimming, golfing and creating new web applications and products. Personal Site: http://dav.idmorgan.com