URGENT: content slideshow not working

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  • #470194

    Content Slideshow Block is only working when “uncategorized” is chosen, and it pulls up the stax template blogs installed. New blogs entered with a new category chosen leaves a blank spot even when that category is chosen…

    https://otpa.dreamhosters.com/ scroll for orange slideshow block, should show this blog

    https://otpa.dreamhosters.com/2025/02/03/economic-future-2025/ but instead is blank… please help

    EDIT: I changed taxonomy from Category to Post Folder and they show on the backend, but not when published. why is category not working? The entire site is designed around being able to use query loops and none are working but the standard WP, not the stax.

    • This topic was modified 1 day, 8 hours ago by Diana.
    • This topic was modified 1 day, 7 hours ago by Diana.

    It shows as the correct category assigned, but does not pull up under the slideshow, breadcrumbs or category dropdown

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    the posts block that I designed ALL the query loop blocks around does not pull up the post either even though it is assigned…

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    the posts block that I designed ALL the query loop block pages around does not pull up the post either even though it is assigned…

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    Final edit, after playing with this for hours (your support format does not allow me to delete replies to clean this up):

    *Category is still not working when chosen for taxonomy; only post_folder works for both the content slideshow, AND the posts block. This is urgent.

    When choosing ANY category other than uncategorized, all posts disappear on the posts block. As a temporary workaround I am using the post_folder, and got that to publish and show live, but need to fix why categories are not applying even though they are showing up on the post itself; on the category dropdown as #of posts assigned to that category etc. Thye just will not show when queried

    *I fixed the archives page to show the correct posts when categories is chosen as the dropdown, however they are showing the chosen category AND all uncategorized, is there a setting to choose only to show the chosen category, not the uncategorized?

    *Is there a way to make the post text (header, date, button etc) middle of the post box, not at the top on every block like this? See attached

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