Style problem

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  • #464709


    After i updated STAX theme i have some issues with styling (on desktop).

    Number box by Add Cart is to big also numbers is not showing.
    Also on the right is option “Are you intressed in this products” problem with styling.

    How can we fix this?
    Direct Link:

    David Morgan

    Hi Jeffrey,

    Are you referring to the product quantity field as being too large?

    Also, I’m not seeing a “Are you intressed in this products” section on the right of the page. Was this removed?



    Hi David,

    Well Field is large but you dont see number in it, that is bigest problem.

    Other is not removed but it stand in Dutch “Misschien ben je geïnteresseerd in…”

    David Morgan

    Hi Jeffrey,

    I attached an image of what I’m viewing on your provided link. The numbers seems to be displaying for me in the quantity field, and I’m unable to locate the other section you’re referring to.

    Have you cleared your caches since updating? It’s possible the issues you are experiencing are a result of cached files on your computer.


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    Hi David,

    Thanks, yeah was cached item was the problem.
    Sorry for this :-).

    David Morgan

    No worries! Thanks for letting me know. 🙂

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