Sidebar displaying in cover image

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  • #458032
    Berit Sund

    I have a sidebar template however the sidebar displays ‘inside’ / disrupts the cover image.

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    Warm regards

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    David Morgan

    Hi Berit,

    Thanks for reaching out and using STAX! I’m not sure I see the issue when viewing the attached screenshot. Can you please provide a link, so we may inspect the issue in further detail?


    Berit Sund

    Hey David
    I’ve not published with that template due to the issue, so not sure you can view this link:

    Essentially, in that screenshot, the image is to the left of the Sidebar, but is meant to cover the whole page (Cover / Hero image style) with the Sidebar underneath.

    Hope that makes sense.
    Warm regards

    Berit Sund

    Hi David, any thoughts on the above? Thanks, Berit

    David Morgan

    Hi Berit,

    Ah, I see what you mean. However, that’s the expected behavior of a full-width Cover Block on the Sidebar page template. If you want the Cover Block to extend the full browser width, you will need to either:

    1. Use the default page template. You will lose the sidebar. However, you could make your own sidebar on the default page template using the Columns Block.

    2. Change the Sidebar page template within the Site Editor under Appearance > Editor. You will then need to navigate to the Sidebar page template within the editor, and you can then add a full width Cover Block above the sidebar and page content by modifying the template.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you need any further clarification.


    Berit Sund

    Hey David
    Thanks ever so much, I’ll give that a go!
    Warm regards

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