Mobile performance – LCP / FCP

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  • #464721
    Berit Sund

    Hey! Me again 😀
    So, having installed WP Rocket and Smush, the desktop performance is now good but still struggling with mobile performance. PageSpeed Insights score = Fail on Core Web Vitals, specifically highlighting issues with LCP / FCP.

    I like the blog post layout (examlpe below), with cover image, but is this something I have to remove to improve CWV/LCP/FCP? Are the other fixes / plugins to consider?

    Happy holiday with the 7 best probiotics for travel and gut health

    I use another template on this blog, just to test, but no luck …

    The 10 best kefir brands for gut health

    Thanks in advance for advice!

    Kind regards

    David Morgan

    Hi Berit 🙂

    I’m afraid page speed optimization is not our specialty, and is out of the realm of support. I think you will most likely need a specialist or an SEO expert for help with this.

    Also, depending on the metrics you’re using to evaluate performance, you may get wildly different results. I would recommend using GTMetrix as a tool for measuring performance as well.

    I’m no expert on the matter of page speed, but in most cases images are the main source of increased page load times. You could eliminate images altogether in mobile, but it’s a matter of personal preference. Personally, I prefer to have my sites serve mobile images and a better user experience even if it means sacrificing some performance.


    Berit Sund

    Thanks so much, David! Kind regards, Berit

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