How to create a Child Theme for Stax?

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  • #455774
    Tim Bernhard

    I would like to adjust some details in Stax for my purposes.
    As is customs, I would like to do that with a child theme.
    Using the regular code:


    Theme Name:   Stax Child
    Description:  Stax' Child Theme
    Author:       Tim Bernhard
    Author URI:
    Template:     organic-stax
    Version:      1.0.0
    Text Domain:  organic-staxchild

    and organic-staxchild/functions.php:

    function my_theme_enqueue_styles()
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_enqueue_styles');

    this results in all the header, footer etc. not being displayed, despite them being shown when using the full-site editor.

    What’s the correct way to make a child-theme here?

    David Morgan

    Hi Tim,

    Your code looks correct for a traditional child theme. However, since STAX is a block theme, the process is slightly different. I believe there is an additional requirement for a theme.json file. The following links may help:

    You can use this plugin to create a child theme for block themes:

    Create Block Theme

    This is an official tutorial from WordPress on the process:

    Create a Basic Child Theme for Block Themes

    I hope this helps.


    alexis beaumont

    Hi Tim,
    i’ve got the same problem than you.
    i think problem come from stax theme. I’ve tried to create child theme with create block theme and header, footer etc. not being displayed.
    I don’t understand why; this is the first time I’ve encountered this problem
    best regards

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