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Home › Forums › Technical Theme Support › STAX Theme › Change menu underline colour
Hi team,
How can i change the green underline colour that comes up when i put my cursor over navigation menu items.
Its currently green and want red.
Hi David, which theme are you using?
The Stax theme, thanks
Hi David,
Sure, this can be done by adding the following CSS within the Additional CSS section of the Customizer or Editor:
.wp-block-navigation__container .wp-block-navigation-item:not(.button) a::after { background: red; }
You can adjust color as needed using HEX codes.
Let us know if this works.
Hey David,
Thanks for this, but doesnt seem to have done the trick unfortunatly.
I went to customizer and added additional css there and hit publish but not red line when i refereshed the page.
I tried this as well with hex code b24a1e and it didn’t work either. Perhaps because of the disconnect in navigation menus I just opened a ticket about?