Change menu underline colour

Home Forums Technical Theme Support STAX Theme Change menu underline colour

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  • #469990
    David L

    Hi team,

    How can i change the green underline colour that comes up when i put my cursor over navigation menu items.

    Its currently green and want red.


    Hi David, which theme are you using?

    David L

    The Stax theme, thanks

    David Morgan

    Hi David,

    Sure, this can be done by adding the following CSS within the Additional CSS section of the Customizer or Editor:

    .wp-block-navigation__container .wp-block-navigation-item:not(.button) a::after {
        background: red;

    You can adjust color as needed using HEX codes.

    Let us know if this works.


    David L

    Hey David,

    Thanks for this, but doesnt seem to have done the trick unfortunatly.

    I went to customizer and added additional css there and hit publish but not red line when i refereshed the page.


    I tried this as well with hex code b24a1e and it didn’t work either. Perhaps because of the disconnect in navigation menus I just opened a ticket about?

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