
Reference: Featured Videos

This tutorial only applies to our theme’s that support Featured Videos.

Featured Videos are added by pasting a video embed code in the Featured Video field.

Featured Videos allow you to display a video in various locations throughout the theme such as the home page, featured slider or a category page.

Video’s are added within the post editor by pasting the video embed code from a source such as Vimeo or YouTube in to the Featured Video field, located beneath the content editor.

Note: The “Include related videos” embed option with YouTube video’s must be unchecked for the Featured Video to display correctly.

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David Morgan is the co-founder, designer, and developer of Organic Themes. He founded the company with Jeff Milone in 2009 on the Hawaiian island of Maui. David enjoys surfing, swimming, golfing and creating new web applications and products. Personal Site: http://dav.idmorgan.com