Professionally showcase and sell your photography. The Photographer Theme is the perfect solution for wedding photographers, family photographers, commercial photographers, hobbyists, and more!
Minimal Design
It’s important that the imagery is the primary focus of any professional photography website. The theme design should only enhance the work. It should not be a distraction. As a result, the Photographer Theme features a clean and minimal design. So, your photography is always in the spotlight.
Home Page Slideshow
The home page template displays a featured content slideshow. It’s capable of displaying up to 4 posts per slide. Additionally, each slide may be linked to the page or portfolio of your choosing using the recommended Page Links To plugin. As a result, website visitors are lead to important content within the home page slideshow.
Endless Centered Slideshows
Create as many slideshows as your heart desires. Slideshows are centered horizontally AND vertically within the browser window. So, even if a massive display monitor is used for viewing your website, your slideshows will be positioned in the center of the screen.

Use the “Slideshow” page template to create image slideshows. Simply apply the page template and add a WordPress gallery shortcode. Then, images within the gallery shortcode will display in the slideshow. An example of the image slideshow can be viewed in the demo here.
Content slideshows are created using the Jetpack portfolio post-type. Each Jetpack portfolio category displays as a content slideshow. As a result, multiple content slideshows can be created for each portfolio category. An example of the Jetpack portfolio slideshow can be viewed in the demo here.
Endless Portfolios
Similar to slideshows, there’s no limit to the number of portfolios that may be created. Each post category displays as a portfolio page, as seen in the demo. For instance, every post with the “Portrait” category applied will display in a portfolio on the category archive page.
Additionally, every portfolio is displayed in a “Masonry” layout. Meaning, the images fit together like puzzle pieces. As a result, portrait and landscape images within the same portfolio will not disrupt the layout. Also, the title, category, and excerpt for each portfolio post remains hidden until hovering over the portfolio image.

Beautiful Blog
Your blog may feature photography from your latest magazine shoot, or perhaps pictures from your recent trip to Iceland. The point is, your photography blog is likely full of images — and maybe not a ton of content. As a result, it should maximize the display of those images. That’s why the blog template within the Photographer Theme contains no sidebars. It’s a simple and clean design that’s perfect for sharing your photos and stories.

WooCommerce Integration
As a photographer, you may wish to sell service packages, prints, or even digital files on your website. Fortunately, that’s all very possible using WooCommerce and the Photographer Theme. WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress. Furthermore, it’s the most reliable way to sell services and products online.

Organic Themes is a proud partner of WooCommerce. As a result, we have worked directly with the WooCommerce team to integrate their plugin seamlessly with our themes. So, visitors purchasing photography services and prints on your website will have a cohesive experience from start to checkout.
Simple Setup
The Photographer Theme is simple to setup. In fact, there are no required plugins to begin creating beautiful slideshows and galleries. Additionally, there are only a few options within the WordPress Customizer. As a result, the process of building your professional photography website is simple.
Start making more money from your Photography business today!