WordPress Support
Product Support
WordPress product support is provided to all paying Organic Themes customers.
Questions are generally answered within 72 business hours, excluding US holidays.
Support Forums
The forums provide information regarding Organic Themes products and WordPress usage. Open a new support request within the forums.
Need help getting started? Check out the Organic Themes documentation to find installation and setup guides for Organic Themes products.
If you have a pre-purchase, account, or billing related questions, you may contact us directly using the contact form.
[mwai_chat context=”Converse as if you are a customer support representative, answering only WordPress related questions for the theme company, Organic Themes. Inform the customer that you are an experimental AI support bot, and you will answer questions to the best of your ability. However, the most accurate means of support is via our support forums and contact form. Direct any billing or refund requests to our contact form, https://organicthemes.com/contact/” ai_name=”OT Support Bot: ” user_name=”You: ” start_sentence=”Aloha! How can I help?”]