Widget Area Block

Add classic widgets to any Gutenberg page.

The Widget Area Block lets you create unlimited widget areas within the Gutenberg block editor.

Latest Version
WordPress Version 5.2+

The Widget Area Block is available within the Organic Blocks Bundle. Additionally, there is a free version of the block available in the WordPress plugin directory. However, full and wide block alignment is not supported with the free version.

The Widget Area Block is unique. Use the block to register a widget area on any page or post using the Gutenberg editor. As a result, you can add classic widgets anywhere on your site. In the past, widgets were usually confined to the sidebar or footer of a theme. This block removes those limitations.

Getting Started

Within the Gutenberg editor, search “Organic” or “Widget Area” within your list of available blocks. Upon adding the block, name the widget area. Then, save the widget area. This registers the widget area within WordPress. Once you’ve named and saved the widget area, click the “Customizer View” button. As a result, the Customizer will launch. Then, begin adding widgets to the page.

Block Purpose

Many WordPress core widgets have been converted to blocks. However, hundreds of widgets exist within the plugin directory that have yet to be converted. In many cases, those widgets may never be converted to blocks. However, those classic widgets may serve a unique function on your website.

WordPress themes are moving away from providing sidebars and widgetized footer areas. However, that doesn’t mean your widgets are any less valuable. The Widget Area Block provides the opportunity to keep using those widgets, even after switching to a modern Gutenberg theme. Also, you may choose to display widgets only within relevant content, instead of every page that has a sidebar or footer.

Organic Builder Widgets

The Widget Area Block really shines when used with the Organic Builder Widgets plugin. When used together, it’s possible to add Organic Widgets and Organic Blocks within the same content. As a result, you can build dynamic pages that feature a wide variety of functionality. It’s an excellent tool to construct beautiful home page and landing page layouts with ease.

Block Requirements

All WordPress blocks, including Organic Blocks, require WordPress 5+ and the Gutenberg editor. Additionally, the Organic Blocks Bundle requires that your server is using PHP 7+ in order to work properly. Please Note: These are standard requirements for running WordPress 5+ on any web server.