Testimonials Block

Showcase testimonials in a customizable slideshow.

The Testimonials Block for Gutenberg is perfect for featuring client and customer testimonials throughout your WordPress website.

Latest Version
WordPress Version 5.2+

The Testimonials Block is available in the Organic Blocks Bundle. It displays testimonials from a selected post type in a customizable slideshow. The block may be added to any page or post using the WordPress 5+ Gutenberg editor. Additionally, several options are provided to modify the layout, style, colors, and more.

Getting Started

The Testimonials Block is an excellent way to add client testimonials to your WordPress site. As a result, testimonials provide a level of trust between your business and potential clients.

To get started, search “Organic” or “Testimonials” within the list of available blocks. Then, add the Testimonials Block to any page or post using the WordPress 5+ block editor.  Upon adding the block, select your post type and taxonomy. Next, click the “Done” button. As a result, the testimonials slideshow will render within the editor. Additionally, block options are available on the right to modify the settings and style.

The Testimonials Block displays a featured image as the profile image. Additionally, the post title displays as the author, and the excerpt as the testimonial quote.

Testimonials Block Options

Each instance of the Testimonials Block contains several options to change the appearance of your testimonials slideshow. The options are divided into categories. In addition, a description of each option is provided below.

General Settings
  • Transition Speed: Change the time duration before a slide transitions.
  • Transition Style: Choose between fade or slide transition style. Note: The fade transition does not work with multiple posts per slide.
  • Style: Choose from a list of per-defined styles for the block.
  • Post Order: Choose the order in which to display slides.
  • Randomize Order: Display testimonials in a random order.
  • Posts Per Slide: Display up to 4 testimonials per slide.
Layout Settings:
  • Content Position: Change the content location on the slide.
  • Image Size: Change the size of the testimonial image.
Display Settings
  • Author: Toggle the display of the post title/author.
  • Excerpt: Toggle the display of post excerpt/quote.
  • Link: Toggle the the author permalink option.
  • Background: Toggle the display of the background card behind the testimonial content.
  • Directional Arrows: Toggle the display of the next and previous slide arrows.
  • Navigation: Toggle the display of the slideshow navigation icons.
Color Settings:
  • Excerpt Color: Change the color of the post excerpt/quote.
  • Author Color: Change the color of the post title/author.
  • Testimonial Background: Change the background color of the card displayed behind the testimonial content.
  • Slideshow Background: Change the background color of slideshow.

Testimonials Block Requirements

All WordPress blocks, including Organic Blocks, require WordPress 5+ and the Gutenberg editor. Additionally, the Organic Blocks Bundle requires that your server is using PHP 7+ in order to function properly. Please Note: These are standard requirements for running WordPress 5+ on any web server.

The Testimonials Block requires existing published content within WordPress. As a result, we recommend publishing a post or testimonial before using this block. This is particularly relevant when using a fresh installation of WordPress.