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Tityre, tu patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi dolor. Sed haec quis possit intrepidus aestimare tellus. Nec dubitamus multa iter quae et nos invenerat. Cum ceteris in veneratione tui montes, nascetur mus. Non equidem invideo, miror magis posuere velit aliquet. Quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? Unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident culpa. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel… Read More


Images Upon Images


The Party From Gibbet Island

Ellis Island, in New York harbor, once bore the name of Gibbet Island, because pirates and mutineers were hanged there in chains. During the times when it was devoted to this fell purpose there stood in Communipaw the Wild Goose tavern, where Dutch burghers resorted, to smoke, drink Hollands, and grow fat, wise, and sleepy in each others’ company. The plague of this inn… Read More


How The Piano Came To Be

From the dried sinews stretched across the shell of a dead tortoise to the concert-grand piano of the present day is a far flight. Yet to this primitive source, it is said, may be traced the evolution of the stringed instrument which reached its culmination in the piano. The latter has been aptly called “the household orchestra,” and in tracing its origin one must… Read More


The History of Fashion

A hard fate has condemned human beings to enter this mortal sphere without any natural covering, like that possessed by the lower animals to protect them from the extremes of heat and cold. Had this been otherwise, countless myriads, for untold ages, would have escaped the tyrannical sway of the goddess Fashion, and the French proverb, il faut souffrir pour être belle, need never… Read More