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Everybody knows that the great reversed triangle of land, with its base in the north and its apex in the south, which is called India, embraces fourteen hundred thousand square miles, upon which is spread unequally a population of one hundred and eighty millions of souls. The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger portion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in Bengal, and a lieutenant-governor at Agra.
But British India, properly so called, only embraces seven hundred thousand square miles, and a population of from one hundred to one hundred and ten millions of inhabitants. A considerable portion of India is still free from British authority; and there are certain ferocious rajahs in the interior who are absolutely independent. The celebrated East India Company was all-powerful from 1756, when the English first gained a foothold on the spot where now stands the city of Madras, down to the time of the great Sepoy insurrection. It gradually annexed province after province, purchasing them of the native chiefs, whom it seldom paid, and appointed the governor-general and his subordinates, civil and military. But the East India Company has now passed away, leaving the British possessions in India directly under the control of the Crown. The aspect of the country, as well as the manners and distinctions of race, is daily changing.
This is an example of a WordPress post. You can add content, images, video and more to WordPress posts and pages. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec feugiat libero. Aenean ligula justo, mollis in accumsan eu, dapibus sed nunc. Sed nec lacinia mi. Sed sem quam, porttitor at congue id, posuere non eros.
Aliquam faucibus nisi eu leo ullamcorper mattis. Suspendisse sit amet turpis vel felis consectetur tincidunt et sit amet justo. Nam sed diam lacus. Etiam non dolor orci. Quisque interdum, risus id facilisis blandit, risus mi vehicula nisi, ut suscipit justo mi rutrum sapien. Curabitur congue diam in sapien euismod molestie.
Donec tortor turpis, placerat fermentum scelerisque sit amet, porta et massa. Nullam interdum est vitae elit dictum facilisis. Phasellus accumsan semper turpis. Mauris accumsan lacus non nisi vehicula hendrerit. Praesent suscipit, lacus sit amet molestie lacinia, libero nunc ultrices augue, eu vulputate orci justo eget metus. Nam ultrices diam et sapien congue eget tempus lectus aliquet. Nam at augue dolor. Mauris sed urna vel ipsum tristique congue. Proin ac odio nisl, in fermentum ligula.
This is an example of a WordPress post. You can add content, images, video and more to WordPress posts and pages. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec feugiat libero. Aenean ligula justo, mollis in accumsan eu, dapibus sed nunc. Sed nec lacinia mi. Sed sem quam, porttitor at congue id, posuere non eros.
Aliquam faucibus nisi eu leo ullamcorper mattis. Suspendisse sit amet turpis vel felis consectetur tincidunt et sit amet justo. Nam sed diam lacus. Etiam non dolor orci. Quisque interdum, risus id facilisis blandit, risus mi vehicula nisi, ut suscipit justo mi rutrum sapien. Curabitur congue diam in sapien euismod molestie.
Donec tortor turpis, placerat fermentum scelerisque sit amet, porta et massa. Nullam interdum est vitae elit dictum facilisis. Phasellus accumsan semper turpis. Mauris accumsan lacus non nisi vehicula hendrerit. Praesent suscipit, lacus sit amet molestie lacinia, libero nunc ultrices augue, eu vulputate orci justo eget metus. Nam ultrices diam et sapien congue eget tempus lectus aliquet. Nam at augue dolor. Mauris sed urna vel ipsum tristique congue. Proin ac odio nisl, in fermentum ligula.