Portfolio Lite

Just another Organic Themes Demo Sites site


Up to 479 retina display friendly icons can easily be added in any color using the icon shortcode within the theme. For a full list of available icons, refer to the Font Awesome icon list.

[icon style=”heart” color=”ff0099″]

[icon style=”camera”]

[icon style=”cloud” color=”0099ff”]

[icon style=”comment”]

[icon style=”refresh” color=”99cc33″]

[icon style=”plug”]

[icon style=”globe”]

[icon style=”github”]

[icon style=”wifi”]


[icon style=”credit-card”]

[icon style=”copy”]

[icon style=”legal”]

[icon style=”twitter” color=”0099ff”]

[icon style=”truck”]

[icon style=”umbrella”]

[icon style=”pinterest” color=”FF0000″]

[icon style=”phone”]

[icon style=”rss” color=”ff6600″]


[icon style=”briefcase” color=”663300″]

[icon style=”sort”]

[icon style=”link”]

[icon style=”bus” color=”669900″]

[icon style=”star” color=”cc9900″]

[icon style=”book”]

[icon style=”plus”]

[icon style=”minus”]

[icon style=”fire” color=”ff0000″]


[icon style=”signal”]

[icon style=”trash”]

[icon style=”power-off”]

[icon style=”money” color=”669933″]

[icon style=”css3″]

[icon style=”plane”]

[icon style=”home” color=”66cccc”]

[icon style=”cog”]

[icon style=”shopping-cart”]


[icon style=”reorder”]

[icon style=”leaf” color=”009933″]

[icon style=”lock”]

[icon style=”map-marker” color=”ff0000″]

[icon style=”arrows”]

[icon style=”cut”]

[icon style=”envelope” color=”cc9900″]

[icon style=”share”]

[icon style=”toggle-on”]


[icon style=”user” color=”000000″]

[icon style=”retweet”]

[icon style=”remove” color=”ff0000″]

[icon style=”list”]

[icon style=”arrow-right”]

[icon style=”chevron-right”]

[icon style=”eyedropper”]

[icon style=”facebook” color=”006699″]

[icon style=”linkedin”]



[icon style="heart" color="ff0099"]
[icon style="camera"]
[icon style="facebook-square" color="006699"]
[icon style="map-marker" color="ff0000"]